D Y Patil School of Engineering
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Alumni Association Inauguration -School of Engineering

   The mission of the Alumni Association of D Y Patil School of Engineering, Pune, is to reach, engage and serve all alumni and present students by networking with one another to foster a life-long intellectual and emotional connection between the college and its graduates.
    The association serves the need of DYP-SOE alumni for leadership, voluntary commitment, goodwill, financial support, enhancing industry academic collaboration and communications including public relations.
   Colleges and Institutes of the University welcome former students to join their graduate societies.
   Alumni helps students and graduates to develop, implement and maintain career management skills. It also helps organisations and academic staff to impart career management skills, as well as helping employers to recruit, retain and develop employees.
   There are many opportunities to get together and meet alumni, network, rekindle old friendships and, most importantly, promote our alma mater and have fun!

Civil Department

Computer Department

Mechanical Department

E & TC Department