D Y Patil School of Engineering
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    • Introduction

      Mechanical design Engineering (PG)

      Department of Mechanical Engineering was established in 2010-2011 with initial intake of 60 students. In consecutive years intake was raised up to 120 & 180 students. Department has also started Post Graduation Program in Design Engineering with the intake of 24 Students from academic year 2012-2013. Department has State of the art laboratories covering all aspects of curriculum suggested by Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune. Department has always remained forefront in producing quality engineers to fulfill the requirements of the Industry. The department has qualified & experienced senior faculties as per the AICTE norms. The department has been reshaped because of computerization & changed expectation from industry.Modern machinery, infrastructure, workshop, departmental library & good research culture are the key features of our department. Many of the students in department participated in technical events like Go-kart, Baja, Robocon etc. In Over the years department has developed strong linkages with different industry through IIIC (Industry Institute Interaction Cell). Our department is having major software like ANSYS 14.5, CREO-Parametric, Master- CAM, MatLab etc.

      Salient Features

      1.Efforts for overall developments of students through Industry visit & training.

      2.Under MESA (Mechanical Engineering Students Association) organizes Seminar, Guest Lectures, Workshop, Training program, Kite Festival, Teachers day, Engineers Day & social activity like - tree plantation , blood donation , health checkup.

      3.Enhancing Employability and Entrepreneurship.

      4.Developing Research Culture through innovative projects.

      5.Creating Global Competency.

    • Faculty

    • Hod Profile

      Prof. Rohit Nagesh Garad

      Head of Department (Mechanical Engineering)

      Department of Mechanical Engineering is committed to excellence in teaching, and inculcating a sense of pride and confidence in our students. The objective is to empower our students with latest technical knowledge and skills by providing them with the best teaching faculty, lab facilities and excellent research and development environment. The motivation is not just to nurture their technical skills but to provide professional grooming and guidance so that our students come-up as thorough professionals and inspiring individuals. To meet the objectives, the department pays special emphasis on teaching and hands on practical work. The students exhibit their learning through their projects in the final years of curriculum. The students also encouraged to participate in various extra-curricular activities like technical events, Sports activities, Cultural activities etc. Thanks to the efforts of our management, faculty and our students, we continue to play a leading role in our discipline. We welcome all the students to the department of Mechanical Engineering as undergraduate or post graduate student and we hope to be part of your success.

    • News & Events:-

      Two Days Training on Ansys 15.0 Software

      Seminar and Tutorial Lab

      Workshop on 3D Computing


      FFT Analyzer Experiments

    • Vision & Mission

      Vision :-


      Mission :-

      • Imparting Value Base Education.
      • Integrating Engineering and Industry .
      • Enhancing Employability and Entrepreneurship.
      • Developing Research Culture.
      • Creating Global Competency .


      • Ethical Trust.
      • Excellent Environment with Facilities.
      • Dedicated Faculty.
      • Talent Appreciation.
      • Industry Collaboration.
      • Social Approach.
      • Dynamic Professionals.
    • Lab Details :-

      Research Lab

      CAD-CAM Lab

    • Syllabus

